Data VS Information: Information is data presented in context.
Metadata can include: structure, rules and constraints. Ensure consistency and meaning.
Database is a large, integrated, structured collection of data/
Entities and relations: Database systems manage data in a structured way.
Rows&Columns forming relations. Keys&Foreign keys to link relations.
Advantages of Databases vs File processing Systems
Data independence
separation of data and program, application logic
central data repository, central management
Minimal data redundancy
redundancy can be controlled (normalization)
Improved data consistency
single store: no disagreements, update problems, less storage space
Improved data sharing
data is shared, a corporate resource, not a necessity for an application
external users can be allowed access multiple views of data, arbitrary views of data
Reduced program maintenance
data structure can change without application data changing
Novel ad hoc data access 'without programming'
Database development process
Conceptual Design
Construction of a model of the data used in the database - independent of all physical considerations.
Data Models ER Diagram (Entity Relation Diagram)
Big boxes: entities
Blue diamond: mandatory
White diamond: optional
Logical Design
Construction of a (relational) model of the data based on the conceptual design
Independent of a specific database and other physical considerations
Data modeling involves two distinct stages: conceptual design and logical design. The former stage aims to identify the highest-level relationships between different entities, while the latter provides a detailed description of data attributes without considering their physical implementation in the database. Conceptual design is more abstract and focuses on main entities and their relationships, whereas logical design specifies all attributes and primary keys within each entity.
Consider a library system that comprises authors, books, and publishers. A conceptual design would illustrate the relationships between these entities as follows:
Author writes --> Book published by --> Publisher.
However, this design does not include their attributes or keys. To address this issue, we need to create a logical design that includes the following details:
Author (author_id*, name, email)
Book (book_id*, title, genre, year)
Publisher (publisher_id*, name, address)
Writes (author_id*, book_id*)
PublishedBy (book_id*, publisher_id*)
This revised version provides a clear and concise explanation of the two designs while maintaining coherence.
Physical Design
For a specific DBMS
Basic relations(data types)
File organization
Types help the DBMS store and use information efficiently
Can make assumptions in computation
Consistency is guaranteed
Minimize storage space
Need to consider
Can you store all possible values
Can the type you choose support the data manipulation required
Selection of types may improve data integrity
Data Dictionary
Physical Design Decisions
(1)How to Store “Look Up”
Achieve data integerity in the left side. (Predefine the code in the look-up table)
There’s a trade-off between speed and space(and possibly integrity of data)
(2)To De-Normalise or Not
Last updated