Data Warehousing and Dimensional Modeling
Data Warehousing
Informational Database vs. Transactional Database
Warehouse: An informational Database
A single repository of organisational data
Integrates data from multiple sources
Makes data available to managers/users
Support analysis and decision-making
Involve a large data store.
Data warehouse supports analytical queries.
Numerical aggregations: How many? Average? Total cost?
Understanding dimensions: Sales by state by customer type
Characteristics of a Data warehouse
Subject oriented Data warehouses are organized around particular subjects (sales, customers, products)
Validated, Intergrated data Data from different systems converted to a common format: allowing comparison and consolidation of data from different sources. Data from various sources validated before storing it in a data warehouse
Time variant Historical data
Non-volatile Users have read access only
A DW Architecture
Dimensional Modeling
Dimensional Analysis: To support business analysis view:
Revenue (Fact) per product (Dimension) per customer (Dimension) per location (Dimension)
A dimensional model consists of:
Fact table
Serveral dimensional tables
Hierarchies in the dimensions
Essentially a simple and restricted type of ER model
A fact table contains the actual business measures(additive, aggregates), called facts. The fact table also contains foreign keys pointing to dimensions.
The actual data for the fact table may look like this:
Measures: Dollar sales and Unit Sales
Granularity, or level of detail
Finest level of detail for a fact table is determined by the finest level of each dimension.
For example, suppose I want to know the hourly rainfall, daily rainfall and monthly rainfall, hourly rainfall is the finest level of detail.
Fact table is an intersection table.
Choose a Business Process
Choose the measured facts
Choose the granularity of the fact table
Choose the dimensions
Complete the dimension tables
Normalized or Denomarlized
Eliminates redundancy
Storage effiency
Referential integrity
Fewer tables (fewer joins)
Fast querying
Design is tuned for end-user analysis
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