Constraint Satisfaction Problems
CSPs are a type of identification problem, problems in which we must simply identify whether a state is goal state or not, with no regard to how we arrive at that goal.
CSPs are defined by three factors:
Variables - CSPs possess a set of variables that can each take on a single value from some defined set of values.
Domain - A set representing all possible values that a CSP variable can take on.
Constraints - Constraints define restrictions on the values of variables, potentially with regard to other variables.
NP-hard There exists no known algorithm for finding solutions to them in polynomial time.
Usually represented as constraint graphs.
Unary constraints
Binary constraints: each constraint relates at most two variables
Higher-order constraints
Preferences (soft constraints)
Applying Standard Search
Initial state: the empty assignment
Successor function: assign a value to an unassigned variable that does not conflict with current assignment. 一 fail if no legal assignments (not fixable!)
Goal test: the current assignment is complete at depth , hence leaves.
Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Depth-first search for CSPs with single-variable assignments is called backtracking search.
Backtracking search:
Fix an ordering for variables, and select values for variables in this order.
When selecting values for a variable, only select values that don’t confict with any previously assigned values.
Three ideas to improve backtracking:
Filtering: detect inevitable failure
A naive method of filtering is forward checking.
Whenever a value is assigned to a variable , prunes the domains of unassigned variables that share a constraint with that would violate the constraint if assigned.
The idea of forward checking can be generalized into the principle of arc consistency.
An arc is consistent if for every in the tail there is some in the head which could be assigned without violating a constraint.
Key point: delete from the tail
Given an assignemnt. Try to make all the arcs consistent.
If loses a value, neighbours of should be rechecked!
Arc consistency check detects failure earlier than forward checking.
Arc consistency check can be run as a preprocessor or after each assignment.
Begin by storing all arcs in the constraint graph for the CSP in a queue .
Iteratively remove arcs from and enforce the condition that in each removed arc , for every remaining value for the tail variable , there is at least one remaining value for the head variable such that , does not violate any constraints. If some value for would not work with any of the remaining values for , we remove from the set of possible values for .
If at least one value is removed for when enforcing arc consistency for an arc , add arcs of the form to , for all unassigned variables . If an arc is already in during this step, it doesn’t need to be added again.
Continue until is empty, or the domain of some variable is empty and triggers a backtrack.
Arc consistency is typically implemented with the AC-3 algorithm:
A worst case of time complexity: where is the number of arcs and is the size of the largest domain.
Fewer backtracks and assignment, more computation.
Arc consistency is a subset of a more generalized notion of consistency known as -consistency. Arc consistecy is 2-consistency.
Our consistency is about pair here.
2-Consistency: for each pair of nodes, any consistent assignment to one can be extended to the other.
K-Consistency: for any set of k nodes in the CSP, a consistent assignment to any subset of nodes guarantees that the th node will have at least one consistent value.
Strong K-consistency: A graph that is strong k-consistent possesses the property that any subset of k nodes is not only k-consistent but also consistent as well.
Strong n-consistency means we can solve without backtracking.
Minimum Remaining Values(MRV): When selecting which variable to assign next, using an MRV policy chooses whichever unassigned variable has the fewest valid remaining values (the most constrained variable).
Degree Heuristic: choose the variable with the most constraints on remaining variables.
Least Constraining Value (LCV): When selecting which value to assign next, a good policy to implement is to select the value that prunes the fewest values from the domains of the remaining unassigned values.
In terms of choosing variable, we take the most constrained variable.
In terms of choosing value, we take the least constrained value.
Combing the principles can make some relative big problems feasible.
Extreme case: independent subproblems
For a tree-structured CSP, we can reduce the runtime for finding a solution from all the way to . This means that the tree-structured CSP can be solved in linear time.
Tree-structured CSP algorithm:
Pick a root node
Linearize the resulting directed acyclic graph
Perform a backwards pass of arc consistency
Perform a forward assignment
The tree structured algorithm can be extended to CSPs that are reasonably close to being tree-structured with cutset conditioning. It involves first finding the samllest subset of variables in a constraint graph such that their removal results in a tree(such a subset is known as a cutset for the graph). They are called cutset and the size of the cutset is .
THe runtime of cutset conditioning on a general CSP is .
Local Search
Local search works by iterative improvement: starting with some random assignment to values then repeatedly selecting the variable that violates the most constraints and resetting it to the value that violates the fewest constraints (a policy known as the min-conflicts heuristic.
Local search appears to run in almost constant time and have a high probability of success not only for N-queens with arbitrarily large N, but also for any randomly generated CSP. However, there do have a narrow range of ratio where the time complexity is infeasible.
Incomplete and suboptimal. Sometimes expensive.
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