Query Processing
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Main weapons are:
clever implementations techniques for operators
exploiting ‘equivalencies’ of relational operators
using cost models to choose among alternatives
Schema for Examples
Sailors(S) Each tuple is 50 bytes long, 80 tuples per page, 500 pages
Reserves(R) Each tuple is 40 bytes long, 100 tuples per page, 1000 pages
The best way to preform a selection depends on:
available indexes/access paths
expected size of the result (number of tuples and/or number of pages)
Estimate result size (reduction factor)
Size of result approximated as:
Reduction factor is usually called selectivity. It estimates what portion of the relation will qualify for the given predicate, i.e. satisfy the given condition.
This is estimated by the optimizer.
With no index, unsorted: We must scan the whole relation, i.e. perform Heap Scan.
Cost =
With no index, but file is sorted:
Cost = cost of binary search + =
With an index on selection attribute:
Use index to find qualifying data entries, then retrieve corresponding data records
Cost depends on the number of qualifying tuples
Clustering is important when calculating the total cost
Clustered index Cost =
Unclustered index Cost =
Typically queries have multiple predicates (conditions)
Example: day<8/9/94 AND rname='Paul' AND bid=5 AND sid=3
A B+ tree index matches (a combination of) predicates that involve only attributes in a prefix of the search key (upon which we build the index).
Index on <a, b, c>
matches predicates on (a, b, c)
(a, b)
This implies that only reduction factors of the matching predicates(or primary conjuncts) that are part of the prefix will be used to determine the index cost.
Find the cheapest access path
An index or file scan with the least estimated page I/O
Retrieve tuples using it
Predicates that match this index reduce the number of tuples retrieved (and impact the cost)
Apply the predicates that don't match the index (if any) later on
These predicates are used to discard some retrieved tuples, but do not affect number of tuples/pages fetched (nor the total cost)
In this case selection over other predicates is said to be done “on-the-fly”
Example: day < 8/9/24 AND bid = 5 AND sid = 3
A B+ tree index on day can be used: . Then bid=5
and sid=3
must be checked for each retrieved tuple on the fly
Similarly, a hash index on <bid, sid> could be used . Then, day<8/9/94
must be checked on the fly.
Issue with projection is removing duplicates
Projection can be done based on sorting or hashing. By sorting, the duplicates are adjacent to each other. By hashing, the duplicates fall on the same bucket.
Basic approach is to use sorting
Scan R, extract only the needed attributes
Sort the result set(typically using external merge sort)
Remove adjacent duplicates
Usually, we bring data from disk to memory to sort it. But what if the data is too large to fit in memory?
When sorting a file, several sorted subfiles are typically generated in intermediate steps. Each sorted file is called a run.
In the first pass, the pages in the file are read in one at a time. After a page is read in, the records on it are sorted and the sorted page is written out.
In subsequent passes, pairs of runs from the output of the previous pass are read in and merged to produce runs that are twice as long.
If the number of pages in the input file is , for some , then:
Pass produces sorted runs of one page each.
Pass produces sorted runs of two pages each.
Pass produces sorted runs of four pages each.
Pass produces sorted run of pages.
In each pass, we read every page in the file, process it, and write it out. We have 2 I/Os per page, per pass. The overall cost is I/Os.
Only three buffer pages in the memory is needed (Two inputs and one(most cases, but not necessarily) output). In order to merge 2 sorted runs, we only need two buffer pages. We compare the records respectively. Once one page of one sorted run is run out, we can load a new page. Therefore, to merge 2 sorted runs, only 2 buffer pages are needed. Beyond 2 buffer pages, 1 output page is needed.
Two optimizations as opposed to Two-way merge sort:
In the initial “conquer pass”, we load B pages and sort them at a time.
Merge more than 2 pages at a time. Because we need a output buffer page, we can merge pages at a time.
The number of I/Os needed is .
Sort runs: Make each pages sorted (called runs)
Merge runs: Make multiple passes to merge runs
Pass 2: Produce runs of length pages
Pass 3: Produce runs of length pages
Pass P: Produce runs of length pages
Projection with external sort:
Scan R, extract only the needed attributes
Sort the result set using EXTERNAL SORT
Remove adjacent duplicates
WriteProjectedPages =
PF: Projection Factor says how much are we projecting, ratio with respect to all attributes ( e.g. keeping of attributes, or of all attributes )
Sorting Cost = NumPassesReadProjectedPages
Scan , extract only the needed attributes
Hash data into buckets
Apply hash function to choose one of output buffers
Remove adjacent duplicates from a bucket
2 tuples from different partitions guaranteed to be distinct
Partition data into partitions with hash function
Load each partition, hash it with another hash function() and eliminate duplicates
Partitioning phase
Read using one input buffer
For each tuple:
Discard unwanted fields
Apply hash function to choose one of output buffers
Result is partitions (of tuples with no unwanted fields)
2 tuples from different partitions guaranteed to be distinct
Duplicate elimination phase
For each partition
Read it and build an in-memory hash table
Using hash function on all fields
While discarding duplicates
If partition does not fit in memory
Apply hash-based projection algorithm recursively to this partition
To find matches between two lists of records, it is important to sort them first. Otherwise, the process can be fairly inefficient.
Join techniques we will cover:
Nested-loops join
Sorted-merge join
Hash join
Cross product is very expensive. So if you want to perform a condition join, do followed by a selection is inefficient.
Consider two inputs of tables:
The left input is called the outer input and right input is called the inner input.
Have nothing to do with inner/ outer joins!
Join is associative and communicative
For each tuple in the outer relation R, we scan the entire inner relation S.
Pseudo Code:
Cost =
For each page of R, get each page of S. Write out matching pairs of tuples , where is in R page and S is in S-page.
Pseudo code:
Cost =
Page-oriented NL doesn’t exploit extra memory buffers
Use one page as an input buffer for scanning the inner S, one page as the output buffer, and use the remaining pages to hold ‘block’ of outer R.
For each matching tuple in R-block, in S-page, add to result. Then read next R-block, scan S, etc.
Cost =
Cost =
It's cumbersom to handle the identical keys in and .
Average cost =
Worst case cost =
Requires equality predicate.
construct a hash table with a size of pages for . Look up records of in the hash table. The cost is . The problem is that needs to be fit in the memory.
Two phases:
Partition (divide)
Build and Probe (conquer)
Partition both relations using hash function . tuples in partition will only match tuples in partition . If the partition doesn't fit in the memory, we recursively partiton it. Write the partition into the disk.
Read in a partition of tuples of and build a hash table using hash function . Scan matching partition of S, probe hash table for matches.
In Partition phase, we read+write both relations.
In Build and Probe phase, we read both relations.
Cost =
Equalities over serveral attributes
For inequality conditions, hash join and sort merge join is not applicable. Block NL quite likely to be the best join method here.