Graph Search
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: The maximum branching factor for the search tree.
: The depth of the least cost solution.
: The maximum depth of the search tree.
The standard protocol for finding a plan to get from the start state to a goal state is to maintain an outer fringe of partial plans derived from the search tree. We continually expand our fringe by removing a node(which is selected using our given strategy) corresponding to a partial plan from the fringe, and replacing it on the fringe with all its children.
DFS require a structure that always gives the most recently added objects highest priority. A last-in, first-out stack does exactly this, and is what is traditionally used to represent the fringe when implementing DFS.
Depth-first search simply finds the “leftmost” solution in the search tree without regard for path costs, and so is not optimal.
No (there are cycles in the graph or the size of the state space is infinite)
Time Complexity
Worst case: explore the entire search tree.
Space Complexity
maintains b nodes at each of depth levels on the fringe.
No (return first goal state found, not guaranteed to be that of minimal cost)
Typological Sort with DFS
Always select the shallowest frindge mode from the start node (As opposed to the deepest node in DFS)
If we want to visit shallower nodes before deeper nodes, we must visit nodes in their order of insertion.
A first-in, first-out queue.
The time complexity of DFS is terrible in case the is much larger than . But is solutions are dense, may be much faster than BFS.
Time Complexity
Space Complexity
Optimal when cost = 1 per step( more detailed statement below); not optimal in general.
To represent the frindge for UCS, the choice is usually a heap-based priority queue, where the weight for a given enqueued node is the path cost from start node to , or the backward cost of .
A priority queue created this way rearranges itself as we take out the lowest cost path and add its children to maintain the desired order by path cost.
Yes. If a goal state exists, it must have some finite length shortest path.
Time Complexity
Let us define the optimal path cost as and the minimal cost between two nodes in the state space graph as . Then, we must roughly explore all nodes at depths ranging from 1 to , leading to a runtime of .
Space Complexity
Roughly, the fringe will contain all nodes at the level of the cheapest solution, so the space complexity of UCS is estimated as .
Yes if assume all edge costs are nonnegative. The strategy is identical to that of Dijkstra’s algorithm and the chief difference is: UCS terminates upon finding a solution state instead of finding the shortest path to all states.
Time Complexity
Space Complexity
( It uses depth-limited search in every search )
To ensure the optimality of IDS and BFS, the cost function must be non-decreasing with respect to depth. Alternatively, a stricter requirement would be that the cost is fixed at 1 per step.
Complete Time: Space: It’s optimal if done with correct strategy.
Heuristics: The driving force that allow estimation of distance to goal states. They’re functions that take in a state as input and output a corresponding estimate. Heuristics are typically solutions to relaxed problems.
For Pacman example, a common heuristic that’s used to solve this problem is the Manhattan distance. .
Always the lowest heuristic value.
Differences between Greedy Search and UCS: the latter computes backward cost, and the former computes estimated forward cost.
No (there are cycles in the graph or the size of the state space is infinite).
Time Complexity
Worst case: explore the entire search tree.
Space Complexity
maintains nodes at each of depth levels on the fringe.
Yes given an appropriate heuristic (admissible and consistent heuristic as we will introduce).
Time Complexity
Depends on the selection of heuristics. where is the effective branch factor and is the depth of the solution.
Space Complexity
All nodes in memory.
Yes given an appropriate heuristic (admissible and consistent heuristic as we will introduce).
Question: what consistitutes a “good” heuristic
: The function representing total backwards cost computed by UCS.
: The heuristic value function, or estimated forward cost, used by greedy search.
: The function representing estimated total cost, used by search.
The condition required for optimality when using tree search is known as admissibility. The admissibility constraint states that the value estimated by an admissible heuristic is neither negative nor an overestimate.
, is the true optimal forward cost to reach a goal state from a given node .
For a relative weighting factor :
We should not overestimate the cost to reach the goal.
Admissible heuristics can be derived from the exact solution cost of a relaxed version of the problem.
Theorem: For a given search problem, if the admissibility constraint is satisfied by a heuristic function , using tree search with on that search problem will yield an optimal solution.
Underestimate the distance from the current node to the adjacent node.
Graph Search maintain a “closed” set of expanded nodes while utilizing your search method of choice.
Note: store the closed set as a disjoint set not a list.
An additional caveat of graph search is that it tends to ruin the optimality of .
Because the of is smaller than that of , is first expanded as the child of and then put into closed set. Hence, the optimal path will never be found.
To maintain completeness and optimality under graph search, an even stronger property than admissibility, consistency is needed.
Enforce not only that a heuristic underestimates the total distance to a goal from any given node, but also the cost/weight of each edge in the graph. The cost of an edge as measured by the heuristic function is simply the difference in heuristic values for two connected nodes.
Theoream. For a given search problem, if the consistency constraint is satisfied by a heuristic function , using graph search with on that search problem will yield an optimal solution.
Theoream. Consistency implies admissibility.
The standard metric to confirm whether a heuristic is better than another is dominance.
, dominates and is better for search.
The trivial heuristic is defined as , and using it reduces search to UCS.
Detail: the goal test on generation or on expansion?
Applying the goal test on generation does not guarantee optimality in general for informed search methods (and UCS) – there may be lower-cost paths living in the frontier which we have not explored. However, if we apply the goal test on expansion, all nodes in the frontier will have equal or larger path cost. For uninformed search algorithms (except UCS) this does not affect optimality but will affect time complexity. For example, BFS time complexity becomes for goal test upon expansion.